What Are College Prerequisites? Everything You Need to Know unisearch

College prerequisites or pre reqs are classes students must complete before being enrolled in more major-specific or advanced courses. We pre-recommend that you keep reading to learn more about what college prerequisites are! 

What are college prerequisites? 

A prerequisite course is a class that needs to be completed before a student can continue on to more advanced courses. In undergraduate, typically these prerequisites are 100-level courses with more advanced courses being in the 200-level and beyond. However, some schools have different numerical values for their prerequisites. 

Pre reqs were designed for higher-level courses to build upon the knowledge learned in the lower-level prerequisite courses. This allows students to gain a basic understanding of the concept that they can later build upon in more advanced courses. 

Common college prerequisites by major 

Here are some popular majors and a list of common college prerequisites those students will typically need to take. However, prerequisites can vary greatly depending on the school and program. The best way to find out accurate information regarding prerequisites at a school is to visit their course catalog page on their website. 


  • Calculus I and II 
  • Physics (Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism) 
  • Chemistry
  • Intro to Engineering 

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Computer Science

  • Calculus I
  • Intro to Programming
  • Computer Organization 

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  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Accounting
  • Business Statistics
  • Introduction to Marketing 

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Biological Sciences

  • General Chemistry I 
  • Organic Chemistry I 
  • General Biology I 
  • Physics (Mechanics, Electricity, and Magnetism) 

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  • Intro to Psychology
  • Statistics or Research Methods
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology 

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  • General Chemistry I 
  • Organic Chemistry I 
  • General Biology I 
  • Anatomy I 
  • Physics I 

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Why do I need to take prerequisites? 

Prepares you for more advanced courses

Prerequisites are a great way to prepare students for advanced courses and concepts. Prerequisites provide a strong baseline and background in a topic which allows students to then move on to more advanced courses with a better understanding than if they did not take any prerequisites. 

Helps you develop critical thinking

Prerequisites help students develop critical thinking and other important skills that can apply to other aspects of their undergraduate education. They are a great way to meet like-minded students and professors and build connections early on in your undergraduate career. 

Figure out what you like 

Prerequisites are a great way to learn a lot of broad subjects at a beginner level. Typically, prerequisites are less-intense in comparison to more advanced courses, so it is a stress-free way to learn about subjects you may not take further into your degree. It is a good opportunity if you are an undecided major to explore potential major ideas while simultaneously taking your needed prerequisites for your degree. 

Don’t miss: How to choose a college major 

Where can I take prerequisite courses? 

There are many ways students can take prerequisite courses in order to move onto more advanced courses in their degree catalog. 


Taking prerequisite courses at your college or university is one of the most popular places and ways to take your prerequisites! Typically, your college will require you to take a few prerequisites especially during your first year of undergraduate. Be sure to look at your intended school’s course catalog to see how many prerequisites they require! 

High school 

You can technically take prerequisites in high school! By taking advanced courses in high school you can receive credit that can replace a prerequisite. Meaning, if you do well in certain high- school classes you can enter college taking the more advanced courses rather than beginner courses. Some popular ways students can obtain prerequisite credits is through AP, IB, dual-enrollment and CLEP exams

Check out: How does AP credit work? 


Online prerequisite classes can help you simultaneously complete your courses online while attending college. Many schools offer introductory courses that can help students take more difficult and major-specific courses earlier and with more flexibility than a traditional learning setting. 

Related: How to pay for online college classes? 

Entrance exam

Some colleges offer entrance exams typically for math and language courses to allow students to skip over prerequisite courses if they feel they have a good background in the subject. Typically, once a student has enrolled in a college, the school will send an entrance exam for particular courses that students can take if they do not want to start in the basic 100-level class their first semester. Entrance exams are a great way to prove your knowledge in a subject. 

Prerequisite course tips and tricks 

Choosing your prerequisites

You should consider your academic goals and the requirements of your particular major when determining what prerequisites you should take. Be sure to use your school’s resources to aid you in this process such as their course catalog, school website and meet with your academic advisor. 

Time management 

It is important to learn how to manage your time when taking prerequisites. Typically, prerequisites are taken your freshman year so it can be a big transition from high-school classes to college classes. Therefore, it is important to stay on top of your deadlines and to always reach out to your academic advisor if you are feeling overwhelmed with your schedule. It is a good practice to write out your schedule and stick to it to ensure you are attending your classes and are aware of your deadlines. 

Frequently asked questions about college prerequisites

What happens if I fail a prerequisite?

If you fail a prerequisite you will not be able to take any of the subsequent advanced courses until you have passed the prerequisite. So, make sure you are trying your best and using your resources when taking pre reqs! 

What are some benefits of taking prerequisites?

Taking prerequisite classes will give you necessary background information to make sure you are not lost or new to the subject when you take more advanced courses. It is a great way to become familiarized with the subject matter as well as college classes in general.

How can I find out about the prerequisites for a course or a program?

Typically, you can find out prerequisite information in the course catalog, on the college’s website or by speaking with your academic advisor. You should be utilizing these resources frequently to ensure you are taking the correct courses.

Are prerequisites the same for every college?

No, prerequisites can vary by institution and program. So, you should always check with your intended college’s website for the most up-to-date information.

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